Innovation is the key to growth and future security in the software development field. In a similar manner, the application development requirements that are made in this market expect highly performing application outcomes. For constructing these outcomes like this, individuals or organizations need to select the proper technology. The emergence of technology like React Native development makes sure to properly optimize and highly perform mobile app outcomes taking care of the requirements. The integration of this technology results in enhancing the overall performance of the applications. From the beneficial perspective, this provides a native-like journey on multiple platforms, features reach applications, and highly efficient outcomes. The research data by Statista highlights the same aspect when it comes to mobile app performance enhancements.
Source- Statista
The above figure lists the most preferred frameworks for cross-platforms by developers. In these platforms react native recorded a preference of 35% in the 2023 timeframe. This shows how the emergence of this technique is growing in this field. While supporting the software ecosystem properly, this ecosystem provides benefits like supportable libraries, unique architecture, and an accurate ecosystem. These benefits work on enhancing application performance as well as optimizing the mobile application in the best possible way.
This blog is all about highlighting the conceptual needs or techniques of the React native mobile application development process. In this, we will discuss major techniques, which can be utilized to enhance the application performance. Give this post a quick read and know how you effectively develop the app based on React Native.
Techniques of React Native for App Performance Enhancement
React native is considered one of the important frameworks that work on developing mobile applications. But while concerning the application’s performance, some of the performance-enhancing techniques are mentioned below.
1. Optimized Images
The development of the application requires you to have an attractive design. In this process of making the application properly visible, images play an important role. In this, the use of high-resolution images can mainly slow down the performance of the app and that leads to larger loading times along with less responsive AI. To resolve this issue, developers can opt for techniques like compressing the size of images, constructing images with exact size, and lazy loading. This lazy loading is defined as loading the application image only when required. This results in benefits like improvement in initial load times and overall performance of the application.
2. PureComponents and React.memo
When there is a requirement for performance optimization then, both PureComponent and React.memo tools can be utilized for the same purpose. These tools follow the process of preventing unnecessary re-rendering as this is denoted as component optimization. This process involves a shallow comparison of old and new state/props. As in this comparison, only the top level of the state/props object is taken and compared accordingly. This results in enhancing the performance of components. It is like this, if there is a change, then re-rendering takes place, if not then re-rendering gets stopped.
3. Virtual List or Flatlist
The process of react native application development, the development process involves a long list of data sets. While any of the complex applications rums then, this leads to rendering of the data at the same time. This results in enhancing the performance issues for consuming lots of memory and processing powers. To resolve this issue virtualist and Flatlist come into the picture. With this tool, only the components that are visible on the screen are rendered first. This process is well-recognized as virtualization. As a result, this work reduces the memory footprints and improves the performance of the React native application.
4. State Management Libraries
The development of mobile applications requires you to stay updated with the advanced techniques. In this process of developing React native applications, state management is considered one of the major aspects. In this scenario, state management libraries come into the process and enhance the application performance. Libraries like Redux or MobX are recommended to manage the stats more efficiently. These libraries work on providing a centralized store for all the stats utilized in the application. For taking care of frequent changes and debugging issues. It makes sure that the application components only process rerendering when it gets subjected to the changes. Along with this, these libraries offer a predictable state container for making the state transition easier.
5. Integrating Caching
Application development is a major requirement of this digitally advanced world nowadays. The emergence of new techniques can work to enhance the overall performance of the application. Caching is a technique that is expected to be a problem solver to this technique. This technique works on storing regularly used data in a memory slot called cache memory. With this technique, the application works on rewriting the information again from the cache storage instead of loading this from the server or database. This technique works to enhance the application performance and limits the loading of the servers.
6. Code Splitting
The application development process with react native, provides many tools for enhancing its performance. The integration of code-splitting techniques works in the same phase when it comes to enhancing the performance of the app. This process works on dividing the codes into smaller parts or dividing them into modules with the help of a JavaScript module feature called dynamic imports. The major advantage it provides is reducing the primary load time of the application by initializing the load of the items that are essential. As such code for the initial rendering process and performing deferring the loading of other parts of code until theft are not required.
7. Use of Functional Components and Hooks
This functionality of the mobile app development with React Native works as a revolutionary asset for the developers. This technique lets you utilize functional components as well as the hooks. The functional components are defined as JavaScript functions that work on accepting props as an argument and in return provide a React element. Whereas the hooks are recognized as the new tools of React Native technology. This lets you use any feature of the React native technique without the need to create any class. These are useState, useEffect, and useContext.
The React Native mobile application development technique holds the assurance power that you get the best outcomes. Along with the best outcomes, it also works on enhancing the app’s performance with its various innovative techniques. In this post, we worked on answering the issue of how with the help of the React native application development technique the app performance can be enhanced? As a constructional solution, we mentioned seven major techniques that are capable enough to effectively manage the performance. Such as image optimization, PureComponent & Recat.memo, Virtuallist or Flatlist, state management libraries, integrating caching, code splitting and functional components and hooks. Give this a quick read for optimizing your app performance with innovation and advancements.